History: Tools

Preview of version: 15


Banner Stand

Banner Stand




To replace at: http://info.tikiwiki.org/Fact+Sheet

Need buttons, like:

Promo sheet

Needs to be updated to new branding. Make it timeless (no need to refer to a version number)


  • To be added on laptops

Promo items

  • Pens

Kit to organize a TikiFest

PowerPoint template



Information Version
2013-03-03 00:07 marclaporte Adding descriptions next to tagline 40
2012-10-15 21:27 marclaporte 39
2012-07-26 22:31 marclaporte Not really a tool, but... 38
2011-06-07 02:47 marclaporte 37
2011-06-07 02:42 marclaporte 36
2011-06-07 02:19 marclaporte duplicate 35
2010-09-04 19:58 marclaporte 34
2010-09-03 00:06 marclaporte 33
2010-08-23 03:39 marclaporte 32
2010-08-23 03:34 marclaporte 31
2010-08-23 03:26 marclaporte moving to own page 30
2010-08-23 02:31 marclaporte 29
2010-08-23 02:11 marclaporte 28
2010-08-22 23:57 marclaporte 27
2010-07-31 18:20 marclaporte 26
2010-07-31 18:20 marclaporte 25
2010-07-31 17:10 marclaporte 24
2010-07-28 13:26 marclaporte 23
2010-07-26 22:45 marclaporte 22
2010-07-26 22:43 marclaporte 21
2010-07-26 22:42 marclaporte 20
2010-07-26 22:40 marclaporte tks http://www.kalsey.com/tools/buttonmaker/ 19
2010-07-26 22:25 marclaporte 18
2010-07-26 22:25 marclaporte 17
2010-06-16 13:43 marclaporte 16
  • «
  • 1 (current)
  • 2

Latest Changes

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