History: Top Menu

Source of version: 16


Information Version
2014-09-03 00:21 Torsten 30
2014-09-02 23:23 Torsten Branding label changed for Tiki13 *tiki.org s 29
2014-09-02 23:13 Torsten changed label of development Tiki13 version 28
2014-09-02 23:11 Torsten typo 27
2014-09-02 22:46 Torsten updated menu information for Tiki13 *.tiki.org sites 26
2014-08-01 15:45 marclaporte 25
2012-10-20 14:53 marclaporte 24
2012-10-20 14:34 marclaporte Fixed. Needs to be options instead of sections level 0 (which provide more space than options between menu items) 23
2012-10-14 18:26 marclaporte 22
2012-10-14 00:31 marclaporte Getting clearer 21
2012-10-13 16:50 marclaporte 20
2012-10-13 16:16 marclaporte 19
2012-10-13 16:09 marclaporte 18
2012-10-13 16:08 marclaporte 17
2012-10-06 23:28 marclaporte 16
2012-10-06 21:43 marclaporte 15
2012-10-06 21:40 marclaporte No real HTTPS there 14
2012-10-06 21:40 marclaporte 13
2012-10-06 21:35 marclaporte Removing branding as it's more for a footer link that an top link. A new visitor is not really interested in our branding coordination. We could have a link "How to use logo and trademarks" though... 12
2012-10-06 21:31 marclaporte Remove stats completely because it's not a useful site at the moment. 11
2012-10-06 21:17 marclaporte Stats is pretty useless now 10
2012-01-25 17:06 marclaporte 9
2012-01-25 16:33 marclaporte Image Plugin modified by editor. 8
2012-01-25 16:32 marclaporte Image Plugin modified by editor. 7
2012-01-25 16:31 marclaporte 6
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