
History: ToDo

Preview of version: 16

Before 5.0

This is needed before because it will be part of the release
  • Enable ShortURLs on branding.tikiwiki.org (Seb)
  • Make branding.tikiwiki.org open
  • Resolve domain name (Marc)
  • Make branding.tikiwiki.org work with InterTiki (Changi)
  • Propose all the changes Logo, name, etc.
  • Logo should change along with theme option
    • Should/can this be done with Perspectives?
  • Login/register pop-up
    • We need a jQuery? And the fallback is link to tiki-login_scr.php?
  • Upgrade all *.tikiwiki.org sites to fivealive.css
  • Make fivealive.css better -> FiveAlive Adjustments
  • Resolve unification of login, register and lost password links
  • Resolve unification of footer & other zones (common footer taken by RSS)

After 5.0

Once Tiki5 is released, we can go ahead with this list.
  • Tools
  • Deploy new branding everywhere

Nice to have

  • Annoying popup message which happens only once a visit "We are currently testing upcoming Tiki5 along with a new theme family. Bugs & weirdness will happen for 1-2 weeks. Please bear with us." but could be cool feature for Tiki
  • Admin-manageable custom zone of text on tiki-register.php (or use Smarty condition inside Site identity)
  • Admin-manageable custom zone of text on tiki-login_scr.php


Information Version
2013-03-14 01:09 marclaporte 62
2013-03-14 01:08 marclaporte Done 61
2013-03-10 01:28 marclaporte 60
2013-03-09 17:18 marclaporte 59
2012-01-12 00:48 marclaporte 58
2011-12-25 04:30 marclaporte 57
2011-12-25 04:29 marclaporte 56
2011-12-25 04:28 marclaporte 55
2011-07-19 22:17 marclaporte 54
2011-06-07 02:41 marclaporte 53
2011-03-11 08:29 marclaporte 52
2010-08-23 03:47 marclaporte 51
2010-08-23 03:45 marclaporte 50
2010-08-23 03:42 marclaporte 49
2010-08-23 03:13 marclaporte 48
2010-08-23 03:12 marclaporte 47
2010-08-23 03:03 marclaporte we don't want to anyway 46
2010-08-23 02:42 marclaporte 45
2010-08-23 02:39 marclaporte A lot has been done! 44
2010-08-23 02:24 marclaporte tikiwiki.org -> tiki.org has started 43
2010-06-01 23:36 marclaporte 42
2010-05-02 11:25 marclaporte 41
2010-05-02 11:09 marclaporte 40
2010-05-02 11:07 marclaporte 39
2010-04-29 15:41 marclaporte 38

Latest Changes

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