
History: Tiki Logo in Base64

Preview of version: 4 (current)

"Image to Base64 encoder: The newest browsers supporting the latest CSS allow you to do something amazing: embedding images in CSS files. You do this by translating an image file into base64 and letting the browser build the image as it parses your stylesheet. Now you can distribute stylesheets without bundling them with separate graphics and background files! Just use this Binary file to Base64 translator and paste the output into your CSS or XML file as shown and you'll have instant embedded images." source: http://www.greywyvern.com/code/php/

Embedded Image

Embedded Image

These were made with: http://www.greywyvern.com/code/php/binary2base64


Information Version
2013-03-09 03:38 marclaporte 4
2013-03-09 03:37 marclaporte Adding blue logo 3
2013-03-09 03:34 marclaporte 2
2013-03-09 03:24 marclaporte Copied from http://profiles.tiki.org/Tiki_logo_in_base_64 1

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