
History: Footer code

Preview of version: 41

Image Deployed to all tw.o sites: May 5, 2010

Content for Look and Feel textareas

{CODE(wrap="1" wiki="0" ishtml="0")}
{wiki}{literal}{DIV(class="clearfix twfooter")}{/literal}{/wiki}
<div style="float:right;padding-top:3em;"><a href="http://sourceforge.net/projects/tikiwiki"><img src="http://sflogo.sourceforge.net/sflogo.php?group_id=64258&type=14" width="150" height="40" alt="Get Tiki Wiki CMS Groupware at SourceForge.net. Fast, secure and Free Open Source software downloads" /></a></div>


For info.tw.o, add the following:
{if !$user}<a accesskey="l" href="tiki-login.php" title="Admin login">Admin Login{else}<a accesskey="l" href="tiki-logout.php" title="Logout">Logout{/if}</a>

''Required, because there is no Login area on info.tw.o

For doc.tw.o, add the following:
The information on this site is available under a <a href="Creative+Commons+Attribution-ShareAlike+License" title="Copyright">Creative Commons License</a>.

''To specify the CC copyright

Custom CSS

Add this to Look and Feel admin page, Miscellaneous tab, Custom CSS textarea:

.twfooter .box {width: 106px; float:left; text-align: left;margin-left: 30px;} .twfooter .box:first-child {margin-left: 0;} .twfooter img.externallink {display:none;}

To do: Social Networking icons

There isn't code for this in the footer template (tiki-bot_bar.tpl) so for now the code could go in the L&F textarea.

Note: On info.tw.o, several social networking icons are randomly shown in the Join Tiki module in the left column. See http://info.tiki.org/tiki-list_banners.php for details. Let's coordinate so that we have all the same icons. See also http://tiki.org/networks for more info.


  • workflow.tikiwiki.org (retired)
  • tv.tiki.org (not live yet)
  • i18n.tiki.org (alpha)
  • cc.tikiwiki.org (ask Xavi)
  • mods.tiki.org (not really maintained so let's not promote)


Information Version
2018-12-03 14:16 chibaguy Fixed links and updated layout details - goal is identical content at all sites. 87
2015-02-15 04:52 marclaporte 86
2014-07-29 23:38 marclaporte Better results 85
2014-07-29 23:33 marclaporte Now on main server 84
2013-10-05 21:09 marclaporte 83
2013-09-01 21:14 marclaporte Better link 82
2013-09-01 21:07 marclaporte Link broken 81
2012-12-17 06:26 marclaporte 80
2012-10-20 15:35 marclaporte 79
2012-10-20 14:41 marclaporte That page is scary, better take them to the logs to motivate people to hop on 78
2012-10-18 22:31 marclaporte 77
2012-10-18 22:17 marclaporte 76
2012-10-10 13:57 marclaporte 75
2012-10-10 13:53 marclaporte 74
2012-10-06 22:56 marclaporte Link to group is broken, so linking to search instead 73
2012-10-06 22:20 marclaporte 72
2012-10-06 22:09 marclaporte We are on Google+ nowadays 71
2012-10-06 21:24 marclaporte Less fancy but works as well 70
2012-10-06 21:12 marclaporte 69
2012-10-06 21:09 marclaporte 68
2012-10-06 21:08 marclaporte 67
2012-10-06 21:08 marclaporte 66
2012-10-06 21:01 marclaporte 65
2012-10-06 21:00 marclaporte re-ordering to make it thinner 64
2012-10-06 20:50 marclaporte Upgrading to Tiki7+ style instructions 63

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