Content for Look and Feel textareas
Something like this can be used for the Tiki project site footers, to go in Look and Feel custom footer code textarea:
<h3 id="keepintouch">{tr}Keep in touch{/tr}</h3>
More icons go here.{DIV}
{DIV(class="clearfix twfooter")}{DIV(class="box")}<h3>[|Info|nocache]</h3>[|Features|nocache]
[|Fact Sheet|nocache]
[|Promo Sheet (PDF)|nocache]
[|Contact Us|nocache]{DIV}{DIV(class="box")}<h3>[|Development|nocache]</h3>[|Report a bug|nocache]
[|Suggest a feature|nocache]
[|Try Me!|nocache]
[|Support forums|nocache]
and this to go in Look and Feel admin page, Miscellaneous tab, Custom CSS textarea:
.twfooter .box {width: 106px; float:left; text-align: left;margin-left: 30px;}
.twfooter .box:first-child {margin-left: 0;}
.twfooter img.externallink {display:none;}
This was tested with branch 5.x svn r26764 and works pretty well.
To do: Social Networking icons
There isn't code for this in the footer template (tiki-bot_bar.tpl) so for now the code could go in the L&F textarea.