- Top menu
Should be align with the right side of the site
Increase font size +2 pt
Done, but in the PSD file, the main menu text appears to be larger than the top menu text, so if the top menu is 12px (after making larger), the main menu text must be 13px. Does this seem too large? OK, keep it like this
- Header
- Insert TikiWiki logo. We got more impact when it's "cms/groupware"less
- I did this on the Look and Feel admin page, but didn't know if the logo was meant to be shown already.
For the site title, is it possible to use the next Tiki's font "Paneuropa". It's a free font and you can download here
I see a lot of website with this kind of CSS editing. I found this tip on the web: CSS Tip: Get Any Font You Want
This seems to be possible, but apparently using this method adds a large extra download (the font file). I think we should look into HTML5 web fonts also. OK, keep Arial font
Site title drop shadow color changed to match top menu background. Good
- REGISTER/LOG IN > If it is possible to create the "tab look"
- I'm working on that but didn't get a solution yet.
- Black Menu
Insert 1px light grey lines. Check file attached named "Grey lines"
Create a smooter drop shadow blending up and down. Check file attached named "Grey lines" too
My graphics program (Adobe Fireworks) seems to want to either put a #ffffff or a #cccccc mat behind the transparency, so it seems either too light or too dark. But I'll try some more, or use another program. Remove the drop shadow. It's still gorgeous ;)
- Centered type between spacers
- Remove last spacer, after DROP-DOWN MENU
- If you can, replace the Searching box
- How does this look now? One thing still to do is remove the text "Go" from the button. This can be done by modifying the .tpl file, but it'd be good to do it in CSS if possible. So far, I haven't found a way. Look great. You can add SEARCH by default on the field.
Watermelon option supposed to be red. We can keep like this and create a red option called Rasberry. You can get the Rasberry color with Layer comps named Development.
- I think this is straightened out now. I see, looking at my files, that I got the two colors confused along the way. I still need to specify data table headings colors and other page elements to match the additional color.OK. We put this one on HOLD
Other things still to do:
- Highlight background colors on menu child items in theme options.
- Adjust body background images to match background image on div#main (header and topbar backgrounds).
- Fixes for IE
- Site title (IE6, IE7)
- Search form (IE6)
- Check validation.
- Clean up CSS files.
- Make screenshot thumbnails.
- ?...