As of the official release of Tiki 5, the official name of the project will be changed from TikiWiki CMS/Groupware to Tiki Wiki CMS Groupware. The short name of the project is Tiki.

  • In listings and titles, use the full name "Tiki Wiki CMS Groupware"
    • This is especially important in places where Tiki is listed next to other software. Tiki alone is not very meaningful, but with Wiki CMS Groupware, people will know right away what Tiki is about.
  • In body text, use mostly Tiki. If you use long version, put in bold (Tiki Wiki CMS Groupware) when you can.
  • When promoting a specific feature, profile, use case, etc., Use Tiki *
    • Tiki CRM
    • Tiki Blog
    • Tiki Mobile
    • etc. (what about TikiWiki? TikiFest? Tiki5, Tiki6)
  • As a system name or tag, using TikiWiki is ok
    • Ex.: If you are registering for a service and "Tiki" is not available (ex.: too short) or so it won't get mixed with other uses of the word Tiki)


Many names were considered:
TikiWiki CMS/GroupwareTiki Wiki/CMS/GroupwareTIKI Wiki/CMS/Groupware
Tiki Wiki+CMS+GroupwareTIKI Wiki+CMS+GroupwareTiki wiki+cms+groupwareTIKI wiki+cms+groupware
Tiki Wiki.CMS.GroupwareTIKI Wiki.CMS.GroupwareTiki wiki.cms.groupwareTIKI wiki.cms.groupware
Tiki Wiki * CMS * GroupwareTIKI Wiki * CMS * GroupwareTiki wiki * cms * groupwareTIKI wiki * cms * groupware
Tiki Wiki - CMS - GroupwareTIKI Wiki - CMS - GroupwareTiki wiki - cms - groupwareTIKI wiki - cms - groupware
Tiki Wiki • CMS • GroupwareTIKI Wiki • CMS • GroupwareTiki wiki • cms • groupwareTIKI wiki • cms • groupware
Tiki Wiki CMS GroupwareTIKI Wiki CMS GroupwareTiki wiki cms groupwareTIKI wiki cms groupware

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