
Top Menu

This needs to be coordinated with Footer code for all Domains.

Navigation between *.tiki.org sites

Until Tiki12 this was the secondary_site_menu, replaced with a navbar_fixed-top for the *tiki.org sites which have been upgraded to Tiki13
Note: Please keep this section up to date with any changes.

Secondary Site menu (until Tiki12)

Label URL Notes
Info http://info.tiki.org
Doc http://doc.tiki.org
Dev http://dev.tiki.org
Community http://tiki.org/Home Home is necessary, because tiki.org redirects to info.tiki.org
Themes http://themes.tiki.org
Profiles http://profiles.tiki.org
Suite http://suite.tiki.org/Tiki+Suite Tiki+Suite is necessary because of an issue with perspectives.
Chat http://irc.tiki.org
Demo http://demo.tiki.org
Register https://tiki.org/tiki-register.php

Where to modify

Label URL Notes
Information (News and why/when you should pick Tiki for your next project) http://info.tiki.org
Documentation (What Tiki does, how to use, install, etc) http://doc.tiki.org
Development (Report bugs, suggest enhancements, contribute code) http://dev.tiki.org
Community (Communication, meetings, events, forums, etc.) http://tiki.org/Home Home is necessary, because tiki.org redirects to info.tiki.org
Translation (Translate Tiki to your language) http://i18n.tiki.org
Themes (Change the look & feel) http://themes.tiki.org
Profiles (Community maintained site configuration tool) http://profiles.tiki.org
Suite (Tiki in suite of a dozen Open Source Web & Desktop apps for your organization) http://suite.tiki.org/Tiki+Suite Tiki+Suite is necessary because of an issue with perspectives.
Chat (Real time community chat - logs and webchat) http://irc.tiki.org
Demo (To test Tiki for yourself) http://demo.tiki.org
TV (Audio and video) https://tv.tiki.org
Statistics https://stats.tiki.org
Branding (Guidelines about Tiki brand, logo, color scheme, licence) https://branding.tiki.org
Register at the main community site and use your account at any *.tiki.org site https://tiki.org

Where to modify

The navbar_fixed-top of the *.tiki.org community website headers are located in the /tiki-admin_modules.php of the various upgraded Tiki13 *.tiki.org sites.

The custom module is consistently named "header_navbar_fixed-top" and the custom css is added to the /admin.php?page=look (L&F) in the tab "Customisation" in the first code-text-field.

This setup might change with the upgrade to Tiki14 or Tiki15, as jonnyb just recently implemented a mega-module aiming to implement the Bootstrap navbar component in Tiki.

Proposal for improving

See: http://themes.tiki.org/generaloverview

Top menu would change from:



INFO (News and why/when you should pick Tiki for your next project)
DOC (What Tiki does, how to use, install, etc)
DEV (Report bugs, suggest enhancements, contribute code) CODE, QUALITY, STATS, XREF, etc)
COMMUNITY (events, forums, etc.)
I18N (Translate to your language) In reality, this will be a perspective of tiki.org
THEMES (Change the look & feel)
PROFILES (Quick community maintained site configuration tool)
TV (Audio and video)
CHAT (Real time community chat)
SUITE (Tiki in suite of a dozen Open Source Web & Desktop apps for your organization) In reality, this will be a perspective of tiki.org
DEMO (To test Tiki for yourself)
(<a href="http://tiki.org/tiki-register.php">Register at tiki.org</a> and you'll be able to use it at any *.tiki.org site, thanks to the <a href="http://doc.tiki.org/InterTiki">InterTiki</a> feature. A valid email address is required to receive site notifications and occasional newsletters. You can opt out of these items at any time.

Bubble popup on menus

+ add a bubble popup which explains what each site is about... and this should correspond to Where and Domains.

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